Design Patterns: Composite Design Patterns are the foundation of software development. In an abstract form, they can help solve complex issues without specifying a programming language.
Review Of iOS Lead Essentials Course Hello everyone! This article differs slightly from what you may be used to. Today, I will present my full, non-sponsored review of the iOS Lead Essentials Course from Essential Developer Academy. This is my personal experience, and it may not be the same as that of other developers. Personal Background
How to Implement TDD on Existing Code "Yeah TDD is great but it doesn't work in real life." 🙄 If I had a penny for every time I heard a similar comment during my career as an iOS Developer I would be rich! In this article, I'll go over how it is
Stub vs Spy vs Mock: Aren't they all just the same thing? When implementing tests you may have needed to use some sort of test doubling. In this article, I want to briefly talk about the differences between the concepts of mock, spy and stub, and how and when to use them. Let's start with the most commonly heard concept: